Friday, November 29, 2013



Time has a way of taking care of a lot of unfounded worries that come our way in life. The little things that seemed so large at the time of their conception seem to crack, crumble, and blow away under the strain of time. From- the am i cool enough to hang with the desired group, to- will i impress the boss today. It all seems to fade away if you give yourself enough time. The group that seems to struggle the hardest with these self-imposed worries is the 20 to 30 yr. old. Younger children may have to work through these as well if they do not have a parent to believe in. As children are much more open to taking adults at their word than are the aforementioned ages.
Actually there is not much you cannot do given enough time. However time is a limited quantity, no one really knows how much of it they actually have in front of them.
     Now here comes the hard part- children need time to grow into responsible adults. Nearly any propaganda from the schools, or the media can be outgrown if given enough time. Now we have a government program to normalize the education of all schools in the country. By normalize i mean conform to government standards. To offset this we need to have a alternative input to our children and grandchildren. We need to take direct action ourselves to reeducate our kids. If they cannot think for themselves, they cannot work out how to survive in the world that is coming. The very same government has made the moves to insure that these next generations will be able to be controlled.
The way it works is to collapse the system, and in the midst of chaos a leader will emerge with the answers needed to help the masses. At that point it all becomes a dictatorship. Sounds like a conspiracy, right? Well it is- several decades in the making. All the moves have already been made, it is all but done, simply a matter of time. Make the choice for your descendants- give them faith, give them the ability to work things out for themselves, teach them how to think, teach them to question authority, or have them conformed into government slaves. My prayers are with you, and them.