Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Being the parent of 4 kids is a study in human nature. I watch my children as they go through life, i notice the choices they make, the reactions they have to situations that arise, and the things they are motivated and not motivated to accomplish. All my kids are grown and have kids of their own. The raising of my kids has been complete for some time now. I stand on the sideline and watch as an adviser (when asked). This is not always an easy place to be at times, especially when they are on a path I have already gone down and and found it to be pointless or worse. Still, I bite my lip and let them make the discovery for themselves. This may seem like a harsh way of doing things but I tell you from experience that unasked or unwanted advice is a waste of breath because in their eyes it is pointless. And will usually get a comment like" that was then-this is now" or "that was you..".
   I am completely proud of all of them. Some have faced hard choices, and insurmountable challenges and prevailed. But the one thing that never changes is the mistakes I have made are the most difficult to watch being made all over again. The personality of each one is different as well as the temperament. The one thing that ties them all together is the influence my wife and have had in their upbringing( good and bad). I see us repeatedly in them. And life goes on....

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