Sunday, August 17, 2014


As I was having my hair cut by my step daughter this evening we were  chatting about decisions and the outcomes of them. She was expressing some regrets about how she has raised her son. And the fact there were no kids his age for him to play with in their neighborhood. So I elaborated on the fact that we as young parents do the best we can at our experience level. And it's an unfortunate circumstance that it's usually later on in life we see the flaws in our views. I see in all four of my kids and in my grand kids the influences of their up bringing. And I love them all for their amazing abilities in humor, strength, courage, restraint, and insecurities. I see them and wonder how these amazing people were able to come about from the little I knew when they were being raised.
So anytime a young parent questions their abilities they should be told to just do the best they can and live in faith. And give them the benefit of your experience if it can help them be more self assured. Love them.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


I cannot just sit by and watch all that was sacrificed for- lost. We did not get this state without a lot of blood shed everywhere. On all sides there were losses. Each and every person killed or lost due to nature was important to someone. They came from somewhere, and chances are they were mourned. We cannot disassociate ourselves from theses people- any of them. The Indians, Mexicans, Whites or any other race involved in the developing of Texas. 
If you don't know why the Indians did not want us here and were willing to kill to get the point across you need to educate yourself on this and form your own opinion. 
If you think Texas was stolen from the Mexicans you need to find out the whole story. Ask the underlying questions, why were we invited to settle here in the first place, what happened that made the Texans rise up against the Mexican Government? And was Mexico ever given money for the land of Texas? Educate yourself and form your own opinion on fact, not what you heard someone say.
When you hear someone say Texas has been constantly taken advantage of by The U.S. you need to look into the matter and form an educated opinion on the matter. This state belongs to the people who live here and claim it as home. No matter how long the residency! If you come here to become a Texan become one! If you come here with one foot still in the culture you left behind you are here for the wrong reasons and should really evaluate your situation here. You either come here as a asset or a liability. And this does not only apply to folks from other countries.
Texas was a country in it's own right before it was a state of the U.S. and there are no other states that can make that claim. We had our own currency, law enforcement, the works. Our resources are boundless. No matter if it's natural, or intellectual, we have what we need to get by. We only need to find the courage and determination of those who came before us to use them to our own advantages and stop giving them away for nothing in return. We must take a hard look at our relationship with the other states of the union and decide what is right for us. If we cannot be treated as an important part of the whole of the U.S. we may as well leave it. We can compete with any one economically.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


I spent my life being concerned about me.....  I have heard it said you can't be happy with someone else until you are happy with you. I have also heard it said you can't make some one else happy if you are not. I call B/S  on both of these. I have tried and true experience in these two particular areas and I tell you, you can be happy with someone else even if you feel you need to be "fixed". And I know without a shadow of a doubt you can make someone else happy even if you are not. The old folks had a couple of words to describe this phenomenon. They were COMMITMENT, and DEDICATION.The two things that have been droned out of the youth of America for quite some time now.
I am of the mindset that at some point the younger generations are going to see what does not work and go back to the things that do. I just hope they have a knowledge of these things available to them somewhere, somehow.
So in conclusion the "ME" in situations is a recipe for pain and destruction of the family unit as it's been known through out time. Love yourself- but love others more. God Bless!

Monday, May 26, 2014


Ever notice how children in the same home, raised the same way, can have completely opposite views of the world? Some of it has to do with personality issues i suppose. We are all individuals in the end. But you would think at least some of the upbringing would sink in. What am i on about? Well let me tell you, it amazes me the amount of people my age ( pushing 60) who still indulge in smoking pot, drinking in excess, and ignoring the basic commandments of the Father (not your Dad).
I actually know people that couldn't wait for their kids to grow up so they could have a beer, or share a joint with them. I was guilty of saying the same thing- in my teens and early 20s, but it wasn't long after that i started see the real world effects of these party tools. No way i would voluntarily curse my children with these as everyday living. I knew it was going to come without me introducing them into their lives. I was NOT a good father. I had a lot of out of sync priorities, that i have paid for in spades. But with that being said i would have never lead my children down paths i knew was not good for them.  If you take faith out of a child's life and provide them an escape from reality, they will take it every time. The hardest mistake to watch your children make are the same one's you did. I tell you i just don't get it.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Ok, so here i was after years of not having credit. Working only with cash to let my credit recover from some really bad mistakes i made earlier in my life. After massive medical bills, bad business choices, and monster taxes. I was finally getting our head above the water line.
 Until now....  we have had a hip replacement that got infected (that means 2 surgeries) 2 visits to the ER, 2 ambulance rides for 35 miles each, and now IV antibiotics for 6 weeks, then oral antibiotics for 5 to 9 mos. not including the usual pain medication for maint. This is going to be a bear to pull off without being crushed in debt--again ! I am not certain i can pull it off and get everything done without losing ground. But i am a warrior at heart so i don't give up.
Sounds like i am whining about my life and how hard it is, right?
Not at all! I am a very fortunate man. I only reveal this little struggle in my life to set the ground work for what i am writing about today. 
I realize that in today's culture i am considered "old school" in my views about debt.  I haven't always had these views that my father and grandfathers had, but through the learning process of years of compromised morals and stupid mistakes due to lack of self control i have come to embrace these views. I now completely understand them. 
I don't need the help of the any government programs to rob me of the feeling of accomplishment i will have once on the other side of this. Life is full on ups and downs, easy times and hard times. Nobody likes the hard times, however there is nothing that can replace getting through them on your own. So i will continue to not live beyond my means, try not to make any bad decisions, keep my credit on the way to recovery, and keep the faith that i am not here alone.