Monday, May 23, 2011

A Matter Of Faith

Well, the end of the world has come and gone. We are still here. I am NOT making fun of these zealots who are convinced they know more than Jesus Christ. God has kept the return of Christ at his command. And as the Bible says (paraphrasing) " Even the son does not know the hour". Anyone paying attention can see the darkness  looming on the horizon. And the temptation to try to predict our Christ's return is no more than a wishful prediction by people who either don't understand what we have been told, or are afraid and trying to comfort themselves by saying it's just around the corner. I bear none of them ill-will or negative attitude, I can't pretend to understand though.
It is my opinion God will let us get as close to the tribulation times as he deems necessary for his own purpose. It may be to let us see just how much of this life is not in our hands but his, or perhaps so we can really appreciate just how bad it is going to get once we are taken from here. No one knows, and may never, but the important thing to focus on is the fact he Will come for us. Most of us have never had to enter a den of hungry lions, or come face to face with an army who's sole intent is to slaughter us for what we believe. So our faith has never been tested in a life or death situation. I believe it shows a lack of faith to give into the predictors of Christ's return. The end times will be scary, we will pray to be rescued, things will be out of our control, all we took for granted will no longer be there, and as mortals we will be afraid, that is to be expected, but to do unfaithful things is not. There can be no doubt that once saved from what is coming to the world,  every knee will be bent, every eye will be filled with tears at the grace and love we are shown as true believers in Christ. Stay strong in the faith my brother and sisters in Jesus.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well it's a rainy day in Texas, a much needed rainy day. But the sun is supposed to come out a little later on. It's a good metaphor for life, I think. Today I am between the proverbial rock and  a hard place, about to be crushed- again. In my life i have been in this place many times, almost always by my own hand. Be it a bad choice, or my reluctance to make a choice. Each time I emerge from it I am more confident and self assured that I did not get out of it by my own doing, I am not that smart or I would not be there to begin with. Yes I am truly blessed and watched over. I was told once ( by my mom I think) If there were no rainy days we would not really appreciate the sunny days. And I believe it is true in our life. If there were never hard times would we ever be truly compelled to get on our knees in tears and ask for help and guidance ? So I look at the rain ( or is it tears ) knowing it will not last for ever, and when the sun comes out again all will be better. We can never give up because no one knows what the next 15 minutes will bring. Did you know 15 minutes before you met the love of your life that you were about to? Do lottery winners know 15 minutes before the drawing they were going to win it. Hope is what keeps us pushing forward, always keep your eyes in front.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Being the parent of 4 kids is a study in human nature. I watch my children as they go through life, i notice the choices they make, the reactions they have to situations that arise, and the things they are motivated and not motivated to accomplish. All my kids are grown and have kids of their own. The raising of my kids has been complete for some time now. I stand on the sideline and watch as an adviser (when asked). This is not always an easy place to be at times, especially when they are on a path I have already gone down and and found it to be pointless or worse. Still, I bite my lip and let them make the discovery for themselves. This may seem like a harsh way of doing things but I tell you from experience that unasked or unwanted advice is a waste of breath because in their eyes it is pointless. And will usually get a comment like" that was then-this is now" or "that was you..".
   I am completely proud of all of them. Some have faced hard choices, and insurmountable challenges and prevailed. But the one thing that never changes is the mistakes I have made are the most difficult to watch being made all over again. The personality of each one is different as well as the temperament. The one thing that ties them all together is the influence my wife and have had in their upbringing( good and bad). I see us repeatedly in them. And life goes on....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Don't look now but I am at present looking for the salt and pepper to put on my words to make them taste better as I eat them. As clear as day I said I will never go back to trucking again. And yet here I am a short six months after leaving my last trucking job entertaining the idea of getting back out there. I have been a mover all my life, cars, motorcycles, trucks. If does not seem to take too long before the walls start to close in and my feet start getting the itch to move. I do enjoy being home, but if i have to work driving seems to suit me more than anything else. At my age, and in my frame of mind I am just content to sit around the house.

 This is the first posting for this new blog I think, not very entertaining i know, but i an just getting warmed up.