Saturday, June 16, 2012


Don't you just hate having to give up something you really like? Cigars, I love em'. I like the taste, the smell, the feel of them. But two weeks ago I decided I was tired of being a slave to tobacco. And with my addictive personality that is exactly what I was. I started smoking cigars on my 40th birthday, about 5yrs ago I decided chewing on them was the way to quit. Yeah ask anyone who dips or chews how easy it is to quit... out of the pan into the fire as usual. So it became obvious cold turkey was going to be the only way to get the job done. So it has been done, but not without a great deal of discomfort to myself and my family. It is however, getting easier by the day. I refuse to give in at this point, knowing I would have to go through all this again at some later date.
 Ok, so there's my personal story, now for the pondering, what is there to be passionate about in life that is not harmful to body or soul in some form or fashion? I just don't get it, and then there is the absolute possibility that I have missed something- which also concerns me to some degree. To clarify, I am not unhappy in life, I just can't say I am passionate about anything. I can't say for sure I ever have been, nothing comes to mind. Maybe I'm passionate about not being passionate-- see what happens when I get too much time on my hands? Later!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


I am an optimist, however I have had to come to terms with the facts that are inescapable. Like, for instance, at 56 you are no longer able to do what you want physically. The mind and heart are willing but the body just can't quite make it happen. And if by some miracle of will power you push through, you soon find ( usually the next day ) the price paid for such willpower is quite severe. The reality of reality has set in. It is not giving up on hopes and dreams, it is realizing some hopes and dreams are no longer attainable at this point in life. Either from health or longevity it is irrelevant, the plans and ideas of the young must be abandoned for the more realistic. I have always wanted a farm for instance, but I have trouble just maintaining a garden, And the excessive lifestyle I led in my youth has left me with a lot of spinal damage that requires a determined effort just to do the tasks needed on a daily basis.
I am not complaining, just relaying reality that means if it has not been accomplished by now- it probably won't be. I can accept that- I will simply change my vision, or goal to something a little more in realistic. It's only an example but it's an appropriate one.
 So if like me, you have run into the reality of reality, don't get down about it just change the vision to something attainable. After all don't they say success is having a journey to take, not getting to the end of it ? Go U !

Friday, March 2, 2012


Is Texas done? Has the blood of REAL Texans been diluted to the point that we no longer have a sense of indepenence or self preservation. Are we really to follow like sheep to our demise. Have we lost our spine? Are we so afraid of what others will think or say about us that we just sit silently on our hands while our posterity is being robbed of the future choices we have had? The U.S.A. has a cancer that is destroying it from the inside. The socialist/communist forces have finally found a real champion and the ground they have taken is mind numbing. They are no longer hiding in the background.
Texans have to make a hard choice, to keep following or stand alone to become the shining city on the hill. Gov. Perry claims we are the second largest economy in the world. Why then do we need to be "managed" by Washington? Why do we continue to take money from the government if this is true? Are we not self sufficient? As a state we ARE able to take care of ourselves. We don't need them. We are able to draw as much business as we choose to our state to employ our people. We have the food and resources to feed our people. We can care for our old and infirmed without oversight from politicians. Once you reject the money from Washington only then can you reject their control and regulations. So they refuse to control our borders, let's do it ourselves. So we don't have federal money for roads, let's do it ourselves. So we don't have money from the government for social programs, let's cut the waste and pay for the rest ourselves. We have the capacity to make and produce anything we need. We have been ignored by the government for decades and if we stand up for ourselves and they don't like it... too bad! It's time to really take a look at ourselves and decide what we are going to do. If our state government won't do it, it is our duty to do it. And if we don't there is no one to blame but ourselves.