Sunday, June 3, 2012


I am an optimist, however I have had to come to terms with the facts that are inescapable. Like, for instance, at 56 you are no longer able to do what you want physically. The mind and heart are willing but the body just can't quite make it happen. And if by some miracle of will power you push through, you soon find ( usually the next day ) the price paid for such willpower is quite severe. The reality of reality has set in. It is not giving up on hopes and dreams, it is realizing some hopes and dreams are no longer attainable at this point in life. Either from health or longevity it is irrelevant, the plans and ideas of the young must be abandoned for the more realistic. I have always wanted a farm for instance, but I have trouble just maintaining a garden, And the excessive lifestyle I led in my youth has left me with a lot of spinal damage that requires a determined effort just to do the tasks needed on a daily basis.
I am not complaining, just relaying reality that means if it has not been accomplished by now- it probably won't be. I can accept that- I will simply change my vision, or goal to something a little more in realistic. It's only an example but it's an appropriate one.
 So if like me, you have run into the reality of reality, don't get down about it just change the vision to something attainable. After all don't they say success is having a journey to take, not getting to the end of it ? Go U !

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